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30 May 2011

RH Bill: Should it be passed or not?

RH Bill: Should it be passed or not?
n.d. a.k.a. nestor / slick master
03:47 p.m.

I’ve been seeing a lot of articles over the papers and at world wide web regarding one of the current issues here in the country: The Reproductive Health Bill.

Nah, to be honest, I’m not in a position to made a comment much on it. However I can’t help but to get an act on such since I’ve been hearing news on it for most of the time. Look at this health bill that perhaps should have been passed on earlier if it wasn’t for too much politics and if another party would not threaten the legislators and citizens as well. As the debates go on air to congress and to the television stations as well, The Catholic Church had one thing. This bill may promote artificial family planning such as using of contraceptives, something that in their eyes was been very unacceptable considering the Church as the one of the pro-life groups here in the country.

This bill apparently had been in the limelight already aside from the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ answers. Tourist guide Carlos Celdran, a true-blooded RH advocate had come to the extent that he protested in side a church, with sporting a Fr. Damaso costume and with that Damaso word in his slogan. He has been against religion extremism, but I don’t think that can’t be a good idea to make a protest. President Benigno Aquino III had expressed his support for the bill. However, the Church had also said that P-Noy is a bad catholic, unlike her mother whom was a former president and a (should I say yellow-blooded?) somehow religious icon to the others. And just recently, Manny Pacquiao a.k.a. the fighting congressman had expressed his side on the issue of the RH bill, saying that it should not be passed with CBCP supporting his decision. On the other hand, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago had told the former to back off and just talk about boxing. And Pacman’s mom lashed out words against the latter, well that is something that is shouldn’t been given much attention anyway.

My take for the matter (since I have wrote this anyway) will be I guess, it should be passed. The RH bill should be passed, implemented and be a law. I didn’t make this decision because of some number of responses at my Formspring account had told me that “yes” but for me after hearing arguments for the matter, reading news articles regarding it and after learning a lot from it, I realized that making a better family can be one of our only choices we can do in our lives. The more children that we have, the more we are prone to poverty. If we’re in our early 20s suffered how hard it is to have a source of living, what more if you married your spouse and make offspring or two? (Exclude me in the marriage anyway) and for instances, every constituent should learn and how to be educated on how responsible they should be. Over the past few years, Manila appears to be over populated but it’s because of the fact that many under-privileged habitants had flew by from the provinces just to have a mindset (or stigma either) that city life could provide them better. However, this resulted to skyrocketing rates of rural people living in the metro. It’s not just all about our life-giving organs, but more on responsibility and for the betterment of everyone. But if this one’s is passed, it doesn’t mean that we’re on the right track, there will always have conflicts. And if you really loved your country, get into act. Speak up, and watch for everything. But after all, it will boil down to man and woman’s choice on how they want to live. I mean if they want to have a lot of children, that’s fine. It’s their right anyway. I’d rather support this bill rather than China’s 2-child policy.

© 2011 september twenty-eight productions.


  1. We must pass the RH bill because there's nothing wrong about it. Because of RH Bill, we have given the chance to find or choose the right way of family planning. And help women and children in their right to live.

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