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24 June 2011

Just my opinion: Divorce bill.

Just my opinion: Divorce bill.
Author: n.d. a.k.a. nestor / slick master
08:06 p.m.

Malta was the last country so far who had expressed their favor in divorce. And by the way, divorce is a legal means for a married couple wanting a formal separation which also includes dissolving of their marital rites on both church and civil ways.

Now, there are only 2 countries in the world that doesn’t recognize: The Republic of the Philippines and Vatican City.

Apparently, A congresswoman have proposed a bill regarding divorce, “Pinoy style.” While the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) expressed their positive sentiment in the said issue. Leaving RP as the only country (aside from Vatican) without the divorce bill on their system can be considered an achievement on their part as the Church strongly keeps its firm and core values as a dominant sectarian religious group in the country.

Let’s trace back first. According to the blog site, a lot of bills related to divorce were proposed such as Liza Masa of Gabriela filed a divorce bill in 2005.

6 years later, Masa and her colleague Luzviminda Ilagan filled House Bill 3461, which again introduces divorce to the Filipino society.

This was made due to skyrocketing number of cases filed by couples aiming for annulment/legal separation. And of course, the main reason was the infidelity of one part to his/her partner. One may tend become the so-called “battered wife” (or husband) after some years of their relationship only to went out to naught. Sad fact as it seems, but definitely that’s the hardest part when you deal with the truth of the conflicts. If you need a proof of its statistics, YouTube is always available for its videos so are the news archives posted over the internet. Do your research.

For me, it’s either of two things: we opted to pass it out or don’t go with the flow yet. Malta had made it through the referendum. Unless we stand against the Church which was barely hard to beat out considering that they were a big part of our culture. However, other countries had stood up against their religious beliefs only to win out and create a law that embodies their own respective societies. But despite having a large number of cases filing for divorce everyday, we may think that it may not be our time to join the divorce bandwagon either.

It can only be a matter of sticking to our beliefs or make a new move for a better change.

(c) 2011 september twenty-eight productions.

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