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29 October 2011

Social Networking Blues

10/16/2011 09:42 PM

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Multiply, and even the pioneer ones like Friendster and MySpace had been the primary reason why most of the world's population have been digging the internet. It became more evident, especially nowadays where being online on either computer or computer or via cellular phone was the best thing in communicating. 

But let's focus on the present. Since Facebook's inception during those prime days of Friendster, it became a major fad until it went for some innovation like putting up significant features. And the result? Since early as 2008, people had been moving to the "FB," and later on, it became a primary populated site. And as the site's population in the county goes, so was the attitude of users flaunting in it. I'm even guilty of some bad scenarios of being on social media since most of my posts on Facebook were barely similar to AC/DC in media, except for the 2 Cs, though, since I don't have anything to collect.

Anyhow, as learning to cope up with new guidelines that a man should be, I have come up with a few tips on how we should act as decent as we are in front of our screen-and-pad.

Don't tag everything. I have to admit, I used to have a bad case of tagging, being a suspect on the majority of all my uploaded and personally taken photographs (not of myself, but anything else.) What I mean by this rule was to don't tag uninteresting poses, not-so-good shots like one getting drunk, or those unusual moves. In other words, the ones that can or will possibly screw their reputation. Because the internet is a big avenue, it can be harmful to one to abuse it.

Don't post any no-brainer thoughts. Especially if you don't have anything good to say like bashing other users, posting non-sense comments, and that includes "FIRST!" But the only problem about it is that it can violate one's freedom to express themselves. Still, on the other side, it means decency and ensures that you'll be able to defend yourself from others who may have criticized you on their reply.

Don't post it all. Whether it's your video making love or your sexy –time-like-pose photograph or even the picture that are not initially yours and just downloaded somewhere else. Some women were having a significant problem when their ex-boyfriend blackmailed her about their deed. And that's the hardest part. But I'm not really about that situation. What I mean is that there are things intended to be unsaid or left in a private matter. But if you want to show that, make sure it was meant for selected people, or you will suffer the consequences. You're now dealing with many people -- both in reality and virtually.

Never posts your whereabouts most of the time. It has two sides. Advantage: you're updating your followers as if you are a celebrity. But disadvantages: you are invading your privacy, and it is hazardous if you're talking security-wise.

And this one was popular in the Philippines. Think before you click. Yes, since a lot of us Filipinos were barely emotional, this rule should apply to us. Even I was one of those guilty ones, though not on the romantic side though. Haha! Anyway. It means we should be careful about what we are trying to post or anything we. Because it may make or break you. That's the power of words, like one of the basic rules in communication. Never tell a comment when you're at the height of your emotions.

Well, I hope that can help you save yourself from being a total-idiotic virtual dummy to a civilized netizen. But I suggest you check out those decent articles about social networking etiquette or this video from Word of the Lourd.

Author: slickmaster | © 2011 The SlickMaster's Files

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