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06 November 2011

Random Things that Rocked My College Life (Part 1)

11/04/2011 12:30 PM

Most of the people had I met told me that high school life was the best part of their school life. However, it's their own opinion, and no one can oppose that. But for me, I'll say it is college. And I know it's been sounding different in your ears? Now, if you're asking me WHY? I have a lot of reasons then, on and off-school-wise.

I studied at an exclusive school when I was in high school, but I won't tell a story. Let's move back to 2007 instead. I was severely hurt when I ended up being an academic placement student-to-be at UST. I did not lose hope, though. I tried the courses that applied to my choices, so I picked Asian Literature as one of the two slots I filled in. On the other side, I took an entrance exam at CEU and made it eventually. It just came to my surprise, considering that I was bound to another college that I would not label this time. When things didn't work out for me in my attempt to hit the former, I ended up in the latter, taking up the choice I wanted to pursue. But I have no hard feelings on the first one, though. Who knows, I might study again very soon and make it there this time? So, it's a ROLLER-COASTER RIDE for me, considering I took different routes around U-Belt then as part of my first adventures and misadventures there.

This is it: I am now officially enrolled at the school. From then, it's always been nice to look around the city like a newbie. From there, my social network got even wider as I met many people from day one until the day I got my exit clearance. Not just in the virtual side, but I'm of reality as well. So, it's PEOPLE why I did not label them as friends. Not because I had encountered an enemy for some time, but because they also turned out to be the good ones, though I didn't move any closer to these guys like close friends. It's still good. I mean, we're still on good terms. I have had my group of friends or barkada for some time in my life there.

The PERKS. Yes, in high school, I did not have much of it. At first, I was one of the few people I used to treat people for some time, but when my budget seemed to suffer a significant hit, they went on the rescue. It started later in the first semester when I was in my first year and ended until I graduated. And I admit that frustrated me for some time. But these guys didn't mind it much considering that I guess they were life-saver in their difficulties in subjects. More of that came when I was in my 4th year when I hanged out with my classmates-slash-thesis-group mates-slash-close-friends. I never expected things to be that way; considering making a research paper for the entire year costs a lot, I spent a little on that. And these guys, for I don't know the reason, didn't ask me to pay anything on it back. Lucky as it seems, huh? The same goes for my long-time college friend who wants to ask somebody to watch PBA Games at Araneta Coliseum—just chilling out for like 3 hours. However, I must admit that I beg them because I don't share my problems with anyone.

At first, I used to be the guy who came home hurriedly after classes, but it turned out to be the other way around in my later years. Due to various reasons and commitments on my academics, I USED TO COME HOME LATE AT NIGHT and loved the habit amidst the dangers of the streets in the nighttime. Whether I'm off from my serious habits or drunk from a barkada session (obviously, drinking), I managed to come home as late as 12 midnight and 2:30 AM as the very late time for me.

OVERNIGHT PRACTICES in my theater class were another addition to my list. I was a one-time actor in the subject then. And apparently, the group that I had turned out to be a set of friends for some time. REAL WORK enters the scene then.

At some time in my 3rd-year life, I used to have LATE NIGHT HABITS, Like talking to one of my ka-barkada in the wee hours. And the next time around, another classmate hits the thread while I'm sleeping. Then, I would receive many notifications on Facebook that the (name of the person) and (name of another person) commented on your status. And the thread is so long that it appears like a conversation in an online chat. Not bad.

Another late night experience, though, was when I was with my group, which was on the verge of finishing the requirements for the Television Production major subject. I went out as early as 2 p.m. to give my contributions, and the next thing that happened was reviewing the tapes (or discs, which are more applicable at that time) and making its teaser that unexpectedly ran for more than a half-day. I had a different route on my way home, but still a convenient one. After all, I love adventures.

I managed to get home at 5 in the morning the next day and had a less-than-90 minute nap. Then I prepared myself for my 7 a.m. class which is obviously; I'm late this time. But it didn't stop me from entering the class, considering that I'm one of the few people who had been running in the streets outside the school and inside the university to submit the requirements in proper time. What a day it was for me! Despite the heat of that Saturday afternoon on March 6, 2010, we managed to make it to the finish. Jeez! It was a tiring but fulfilling moment.

The following week came around, and it was the awarding of the Video fest, the showcase for us, and our finals requirement at the same time. My crew had an award: Tied for the first runner-up in the best documentary award. Well, at least the efforts did pay us off. And before that, I was approached by one of my college batch mates to prepare for the event. And I have to thank that fellow; I go a better culmination at my junior life then. After the event, I ate for some time, and later on, my buddies from the other section (the one that I was first belonged to) asked me to join in their party. Since most of them are my close friends, I gave a go-signal, bumping into the bayside of Manila (Harbour to be exact) and the mainstay on a supper club at Eastwood. March 13 used to be a mourning day for me as that was the night of that date when my favorite grandmother passed away but later turned out to be good also because of winning.

But the ADVERTISING subject turned out to be another roller-coaster ride for me—actually, 1 of the three significant adventures I had during my senior year. May pre-production meetings turned out to be good times happened there (laughs), but we still managed to be serious when we needed to work the most. From building the stall of the product, we are advertising at Taytay, Rizal, to the shooting of TVC in Manila. Lucky for us, though, because advertising was my group's main topic in our thesis. To the festivity itself, where it doesn't appear like a hell competition between the groups, the sections, and the campuses as well (we're between 13-16 groups if I'm not mistaken, with from CEU Malolos and Makati schools joining the event named AdBest 2010) but winning the awards was the best part of the game. I'm the assigned copywriter for the club, and the time our group was called for the prize, I was ecstatic. It excited me for the rest of the day. And in fact, I had my piece of winning share: atrophy of 2nd Runner-Up place for the best Radio Copywriter. A piece of heaven for me!

The next part of this writing will be my other experiences, including what I used to be during my off-school days. I hope what I shared in this piece of my paper will make you understand why I loved college over all of my entire school days. Adios for now!

Author: SlickMaster | © 2011 The SlickMaster's Files

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