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03 June 2013

The #iBlog9 Experience

10:30:00 AM | 6/3/2013 | Monday

One of iBlog's banner at the UP Malcolm Hall. (Photo credit: my Facebook account)
It was only late last week when one of my Facebook friends told me about this event – the 9th Philippine Blogging Summit. But there’s always a saying known as “better late than never” though, so I still pursued all the way.

Supposedly I am attending the first day, until time constraints on different matters hindered me to do so. And I almost did not make it on time last Saturday (June 1, 2013), as 45 minutes prior to the summit’s 2nd and last day, I still has yet to get my ass off from my bed. With all the adrenaline I had, I rushed all the way from the riverside of Marikina to the Malcolm Hall of the University of the Philippines... only to found myself that I still made it at fifty-five minutes after eight in the morning, Philippine Standard Time. 5 damn minutes that could have been spent on doing other matters. I still have another thing in mind, however (serious stuff,in fact).
Well, as I proceed to the registration booth, I am now enlisting myself as the 162nd of the 200+participants for the 9th Philippine Blogging Summit. Then I entered the hall, sit on the back (as usual, just like my school days), and get the freak out of me. Still on my signature look though – my favorite eye apparel. Maybe I should have the nerve to stand in front of the microphone and introduced myself, but then I just realized that I have to be on my “spectator”mode as two things blurted out from my head: first, it was really my first time to attend a national blogging-related activity; and lastly, I am still a total “amateur”dude in this kind of life.

First thing after the session's preliminary act, Mr. Jason Cruz gave the opening talk – all about Blogging and Social Thought leadership. And reality bites, even if you speak a lot on your blog, there’s no guarantee that you’re heard by a lot of peeps out there.

Mr. Arvin Ello tackled the Art of Interviewing and Quoting (something that the likes of Ricky Lo may need to avoid situations like what happened to him and Anne Hathaway). It’s about how to make and select appropriate questions, and making mere emphasis on the interviewee’s answers.

Then, Mr.Carlo Gonzales tackled the goodness of Blogging and Social Media, and he had done it on a love-story cycle-like presentation (by the way... who the hell is “Lina?”LOL).

Mr. Jed Macaida came after with a sponsor talk as he represented the Digital Marketing department of Solaire Resort and Casino. Solaire, the second elite resort and casino built in the country, opened its doors to the public a few months ago. And if we’re talking about the social media platforms, they’re on the “fast-rising” track so far.

Before midday break, Mr. Randolph Novino spoke about being a Video Blogger and how you can make your own identity right there. He also told his story on how he made PinoyScreenCast tutorial videos, and his second resurgence after accidentally removed his account on YouTube.

At around 2 in the afternoon, iBlog9 resumed, and it Mrs. Rhodora Espiritu-Valdez’ turn to talk,and it’s all about “The Rise of the Mommy Bloggers in the Philippines.” And include how the bloggers joined the Gwiyomi bandwagon there.

Then, Mr. Jay Agonoy followed, in which he put his take on “Avoiding Information Redundancy.” One of the most informative and enlightening segments of the event for me.

Then, Ms.Christian Melanie Lee tackled the issues on “Working as a home-based blogger,”something that I think most of the people do nowadays.

After Lee, Atty.JJ Didini of Disini & Disini Law Office spread the information and awareness about the legal issues in blogging, especially on the so-called Data Privacy Act (R.A. 10173). One guy's “problem-problem” statement was the quote of the day though.

Before the session ended, the organizers raffled prizes where a gift from Solaire and the iBlog T-shirt were up for grabs. Luckily, I bagged both items home though. Plus,I managed to meet the woman behind Mr. Janette Toral, and a whole lot of blogging enthusiasts, either by profession or just for their own fun. Solar News covered the event, and Ms. Pat Fernandez was their assigned reporter.

SOLAR DAYBREAK: iBlog9 - The 9th Philippine Blogging Summit (

My iBlog T-shirt. 
Well, it was a long day. A long but fun and an informative one, this is one hell event that any blogger should not miss. I even remember congratulating Mr. Ello for his talk, as honestly speaking I really learned a lot from him. Same thing with Mr. Novino, he even surprised to know that I am one of the top contributors for the community blog Definitely Filipino.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to witness #iBlog10 next year. And if that’s the case, see ya!

Author:slickmaster | (c) 2013 september twenty-eight productions

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