7/19/2013 7:55:43 AM Saturday
It seems like we’re
always been fascinated on what we saw at the movies, eh? Look, motion
pictures nowadays played a big factor on controlling the pop culture,
especially for the generation of yuppies just like yours truly. Not bad though,
considering that the other popular things are just for total commercial sellout
purpose alone (even if it’s quite a no-brainer’s choice for some).
These past few months, cinema-goers indulged their pleasure
more on the foreign films which are totally different from what the local
counterpart is showcasing about. Last April and early-May, we saw people who
seemed to had a bit of braveness and same style of arrogance (?) as if he is
Tony Starks on Iron Man 3 (like yours truly). Late May to early June, a more
action-packed Vin Diesel droved movie-goers crazy after the sixth film of The
Fast and The Furious series aired on that wide screen. And just a few weeks
ago, it seemed everyone wanted to be Superman just like Henry Cavill, nor a
grown-up character from the Monster’s University.
But July 2013 had a different story though. Aside from what
Monster’s U’s impact had brought to the avid cinema fans, we have drifted from
being a super-humane character into a much, kiddo one. And I am talking about
the minions of the second Despicable Movie.
Everyone seemed to
get involved into the so-called “minion mania,” eh?
Those cute,
little creatures from Gru’s lab turned out to be the focal point on
Illumination Entertainment’s strategy to market the film worldwide. Usual things turned
out very usual – of course, kids (whether by age, heart, or even by mindset)
would always love it. I would not surprise why McDonalds hadn't survived the
wave of demand from their customers who can’t get enough of their own share of cravings to
bring a Despicable toy special-packed-in-a-Happy Meal home. Yours truly even
managed to buy only one and gave it to my girlfriend since she’s the one who’s
been more addicted into it unlike me.
At the event of the film’s showing in the country, everyone
bought their tickets and packed up the cinematic seats. From the first thing in
the afternoon until to the wee hours, indeed, the Despicable Movie 2 was a
total sellout. Thought too bad, after suffering a bunch of setbacks, I still
have yet to see the damn movie (How was it, peeps? Go get your spoiler alert
mode on, pretty please?).

But other than scoring a Happy Meal, the movie itself, and
that app, how did these minions make such huge impact to the present genes?
Other than belting out their version of I Swear (or should I say “underwear?”),
doing Minion Talks (HUH?!), hearing Pharell Williams’ songs (that 40-year-old
music genius was the movie scorer of this good damn franchise), and
transforming their respective profile pictures into their minion-natured ones?
I certainly have no other idea. Yes, no other freaking idea!
Well, it’s just proved out that movies can take you to
greater heights – and I am talking about 2 Is – impact and influence. However,
I swear to anyone else that only rare people really knew what the DESPICABLE really means. Better do your
This minion mania will be over soon, unless the guys from
Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment will create another
Despicable Me sequel. Just saying.
P.S. Hey, can I have my banana?
Author: slickmaster | © 2013 september twenty-eight
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