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04 August 2014

Flick Review: Step Up All In

7/29/2014 3:23:14 AM

It seems rare that a movie franchise will set their fifth sequel nowadays, considering that people’s expectation usually looms up, which also means that disappointments can even occur more frequently.

And we’re not even talking about either action or horror here, huh?; but a dance-themed drama instead.
Look, Step Up All In was the fifth Step Up movie ever filmed since its formal inception in 2007, with the previous instalment came just a little bit less two years ago. And I remember watching that flick over HBO with that flashy mob.

Now, let’s move fast forward to present. The Miami-based mob split up from its leader after a series of disappointment from their auditions in Los Angeles. Now, that guy has to rebuilt his dream to succeed even further, until he spotted a dance contest in Las Vegas.

Did he succeed even further considering that somewhere in the movie he faced his old crew? That is something I can never tell you (please, watch the goddamn movie and don’t rely on any potential spoilers from us and even from the legitimate critics).

Everything showcased in the fifth Step Up seemed to be more realistic since break-ups are always part of our life cycle. And there were times that you have to deal with your old buddies as now-competitors.

However, at the end of the day, it is the personal relationships with your peers and even foes which will matter the most. Yes, dancing is life, and so was winning, competing and losing. And sometimes, if you want to win the game, aside from putting your all heart and mind on it, you’ve got to have fun.

Aside from some sick moves, revolving soundtracks, it was the drama which had emphasis the most. Good thing though the main story wasn’t romanticized by its side love-story (something that is really, not appalling at all for me).

But come on, most of the dance story flicks used to showcase those types. But it’s all good anyway. Much better than the ones we used to see in the silver screen.

Author: slickmaster | © 2014 september twenty-eight productions

1 comment:

  1. The movie was good; dance routines were okay but the plot is soooooooooo boring like it's previous sequels. :)


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