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17 February 2021

Kaspersky prediction for 2021 involves privacy issues such as data hoarding, government crackdown, and behavioral analytics

02/06/2021 09:35:20 PM

As the year 2021 gets underway, a lot of predictions have been laid in place. What statements will resound”? What will be the 'in' thing? What is the trend gonna be? Of course, this affects everything that runs the present-day virtual world we have.

The past year highlighted how critically important having a connected infrastructure and digital services have become for the daily functioning of society. There was a massive shift in perception and our attitudes toward privacy took place.

That said, Kaspersky – through its experts in privacy – shared five items that may either lead or evolve later in the year. Its researchers, in fact, have noted that the researchers, the big stand-off between various stakeholders in the conversation around privacy and data collection is a result of the following tendencies, as cited in its press release:
  1. Consumer privacy is going to be a value proposition and will, in most cases, cost money. Increased data gathering during the pandemic, and growing political turmoil that crossed into digital platforms, have combined to yield rapid growth in public awareness of unfettered data collection. As more users look to preserve their privacy, organizations are responding by offering privacy-focused products – the number and diversity of which is set to grow.
  2. Smart health device vendors are going to collect increasingly diverse data – and use it in far more diverse ways. The data gathered by fitness trackers, blood pressure monitors, and other devices provide insights so valuable that they have already been used in court cases, not to mention by marketers and insurers who also find it extremely useful. And with health being a public concern, the demand for such data will only grow. 
  3. Governments are going to grow increasingly jealous of big-tech data hoarding – and more active in its regulations. Having access to user data opens up a huge range of opportunities – think, fighting child abuse or making city traffic more efficient. Also, think about silencing dissent. Yet, with most private organizations refusing to share this data, governments will undoubtedly respond with more regulations that hinder online privacy, with the most heated debates around privacy-preserving technologies such as end-to-end encryption, DNS-over-HTTPS, and cryptocurrencies.
  4. Data companies are going to find ever more creative, and sometimes more intrusive, sources of data to fuel the behavioral analytics machine. Data-driven behavioral analytics is a dangerous game to play. Errors can be damaging to people, while the actual quality of these systems is often a trade secret. Yet, that will not stop organizations working in this field from finding more creative ways to profile users based on what they like and do – and thereby influence their lives.
  5. Multi-party computations, differential privacy, and federated learning are going to become more widely adopted – as well as edge computing. As companies become more conscious about what data they actually need, and consumers push back against unchecked data collection, more advanced privacy tools are emerging and becoming more widely adopted, while big-tech organizations move to guarantee users’ new and strict privacy standards. More advanced hardware will emerge, enabling developers to create tools that are capable of advanced data processing, thereby decreasing the amount of data shared by users with organizations. 
“Last year, many users realized for the very first time how much information they share and what they get in return. With heightened awareness comes better understanding of the right to privacy and how to exercise it. As a result, privacy has become a hot-button issue at the intersection of governmental, corporate and personal interests, which gave rise to many different and even conflicting trends in how data is gathered and privacy preserved – or, on the contrary, violated. I hope that this year and in the years to come we will be able to find a balance between the use of data by governments and businesses, and respecting the right to privacy,” said Vladislav Tushkanov, privacy expert at Kaspersky. 
 “On a final note, I’d like to assert that while as consumers we don’t have full control over our data, there is a lot we can do to reclaim some of our privacy and control of our personal data,” added Tushkanov.
A more-detailed report regarding this forecast can be seen thru Meanwhile, other articles that are part of Kaspersky Security Bulletin (KSB) are available through this link.

Author: slickmaster | © 2021 The SlickMaster's Files

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