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27 September 2023

Newsletter: Ponggay Gaston and Nikko Huelgas Share Winning Formula: Secret for Athletic Success


Ponggay Gaston and Nikko Huelgas, celebrated athletes in their respective sports, are the front-runners of USANA’s #iWill: The Test of Will campaign which aims to challenge the concept of testing one's willpower to create lasting, healthy changes. 

To achieve success in sports, Ponggay and Nikko combined their athletic background with a set of "secret" habits that empower them to take care of themselves both mentally and physically.

This holds particularly true for Ponggay, a Filipino volleyball athlete, known for her outstanding performance with the Ateneo Lady Eagles collegiate women's University team and now currently a part of the Chery Tiggo Crossovers in the Premier Volleyball League. "I believe that success begins with a positive mindset," she says. "Maintaining a strong mental state allows me to face challenges head-on and push myself to new limits. I also make proper nutrition and fitness a priority, to ensure that I am always on top of my game.” 

Nikko, an accomplished triathlete and two-time Southeast Asian Games gold medalist, echoes Ponggay's sentiments about the importance of habits. "Success is not solely achieved through talent; it requires hard work and dedication," he says. "By consistently putting in the effort and going the extra mile, I can continually improve myself and surpass my own expectations. Other than that, having a strong support system and encouragement from my family, friends, and fellow athletes helped a lot too”.

By partnering with Ponggay and Nikko, USANA highlights the importance of consistency in achieving personal health goals. Both athletes are inspiring examples of individuals who have demonstrated the mental, physical, and emotional readiness required to take on challenges and maintain healthy habits. 

The #iWill: Test of Will campaign is set to support individuals who are in their journey to positive transformations for better health and vitality. Supported by the Active Nutrition line, it complements the campaign's core message by providing high-quality nutritional products that empower individuals to optimize their health and well-being.

“Among the various products in the Active Nutrition Line, I use Fibergy Active, which helps me maintain my energy levels and supports my increase in fiber intake during game season,” says Ponggay. 

“As an athlete, I like the Electrolyte Replacement Drink the most. It keeps me properly replenished, and I can really feel the difference in my performance during tough training sessions and competitions,” Nikko adds.

"We are thrilled to be supporting Ponggay and Nikko on their journey towards greatness," says Cherry Ampig, USANA’s General Manager. "Our #iWill campaign, supported by the Active Nutrition line, is set to support one’s essential nutrients for everyone to physically perform at their peak no matter what level of activeness. We are confident that proper nutrition, combined with their dedication and positive habits, will enable Filipinos to achieve even greater success in long-term health."
For more information on USANA's #iWill campaign and Active Nutrition line, please visit 


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