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22 October 2024

Newsletter: Kaspersky urges heightened cybersecurity as COCs are filed for 2025 election


Kaspersky, a global leader in cybersecurity and digital privacy, reminded Filipinos to stay vigilant and prioritize their online security as the 2025 election season in the Philippines officially begins with the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COCs). 

With the onset of the campaign period, cybercriminals have more opportunities to target both individuals and organisations, compromising sensitive data to manipulate campaign strategies, misinform the public, or sabotage electoral results.

“Elections are not only a concern for candidates and their campaign teams. Ordinary citizens are also at risk of falling victim to cyberattacks, as cybercriminals often exploit personal information to spread disinformation, influence public opinion, and propagate fake news. That’s why it’s essential for everyone—not just organisations—to stay vigilant, be informed about potential cyber threats, and take steps to protect themselves online,” said Adrian Hia, Managing Director for Asia Pacific at Kaspersky. 

During election periods, the risk of cyberattacks such as phishing, misinformation campaigns, and hacking attempts is significantly heightened. Kaspersky highlighted key threats that individuals should be aware of:
  • Data Breaches through Social Media: Attackers can use social media platforms to collect personal data that can be exploited for targeted attacks or to manipulate public opinion. Sharing too much personal information online, even though seemingly innocent interactions, can make individuals more susceptible to cyber threats.
  • Phishing Attacks: Cybercriminals may send fraudulent emails or messages posing as campaign officials, media outlets, or government agencies. These emails often include malicious links that, once clicked, can steal sensitive information or install malware on devices.
  • Fake News and Misinformation: Malicious actors can spread false information, including altered election results, fabricated candidate statements, or misleading narratives aimed at swaying voter decisions.
“Protecting oneself from cyber threats is not complicated but requires awareness and proactive measures. It’s important for everyone to stay cautious when interacting online, especially during such a critical period,” Hia added. 

Kaspersky urges individuals and organisations to be cautious and follow these cybersecurity tips to stay safe during the election period:

For Organisations:

1. Always keep software updated on all the devices to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities and infiltrating organisation’s network. 
2. Promptly install available patches for commercial VPN solutions providing access for remote employees and acting as gateways in your network.
3. Back up data regularly and ensuring they can be accessed quickly when needed or in an emergency.
4. Do not expose remote desktop/management services (such as RDP, MSSQL, etc.) to public networks unless absolutely necessary and always use strong passwords, two-factor authentication and firewall rules for them.
5. Monitor access and activity by having visibility over the network to spot any unusual activity, and controlling user access to as-need, and as-required basis to minimise risks of unauthorised access and data leak. 
6. Educate employees and improve their cybersecurity literacy through tools such as Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform - Employees should be aware of the risks of cybersecurity threats and how to protect themselves and organisation from them.
7. If your company only has generalist IT admins who may lack the specialist skills required for expert-level detection and response solutions, consider subscribing to a managed service such as Kaspersky MDR. This would instantly boost your security capabilities by an order of magnitude, while allowing you to focus on building in-house expertise.
8. For protection of very small businesses, use solutions intended to help you manage your cybersecurity even without having an IT administrator on board. Kaspersky Small Office Security provides you with hands-off security due to 'install and forget' protection and saves the budget which is crucial, particularly in the early stages of business development.  

For Individuals:
1. Be cautious of suspicious emails, messages, or websites offering exclusive deals or freebies. Always verify the source before sharing personal or financial information.
2. Safeguard personal data like your address, phone number, or financial information on websites or social media, unless absolutely necessary. If you need to submit such information, make sure the platform is secure and legitimate by examining the website security certificate. Posting too much personal information online can make you a target for identity theft.
3. Verify that websites you visit are legitimate and have a secure connection by looking for “https://” in the URL and a padlock symbol in the address bar. 
4. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks as they are neither safe nor secure. When connected to a public network, your data is transferred unencrypted, meaning your personal details and sensitive information like logins, passwords and messages can be accessed and intercepted by malicious actors.
5. Use trusted security solutions like Kaspersky Premium with spam, phishing, and fraud protection can automatically detect and block threats in real time. It helps to safeguard online transactions and secure shopping accounts. As usage of mobile devices becomes a necessity, it is important to consider keeping them secure.
6. Trust reliable sources and official websites when looking for news. Be cautious of messages from unknown contacts or forwarded links on Viber, Messenger, or WhatsApp. 
7. Be mindful of what you click. Think twice before clicking on any links or downloading attachments, even if they come from friends or family. Some scams involve hacking social media accounts and using them to send phishing links that appear trustworthy.
8. Stay up-to-date with software updates to ensure that all your devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, have the latest software updates and patches installed. Outdated software can have vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit.

Kaspersky remains dedicated to helping organisations and consumers understand and respond to emerging digital threats. The company’s comprehensive security solutions, such as Kaspersky Premium and Kaspersky Next XDR, provide real-time protection against the latest cyber risks, giving users peace of mind during this crucial time.


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