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Showing posts with label John Cena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Cena. Show all posts

10 March 2025


03/10/2025 03:47:28 PM

Matapos ang lagpas dalawang dekada ay isa na namang ganap na kontrabida si John Cena, isa sa mga pinakatanyag na superstar na binabandera ng World Wrestling Entertainment.

07 September 2021

The Rundown Slam: WWE SummerSlam 2021

09/05/2021 05:43:15 PM

It's now a love triangle-like affair between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, with Paul Heyman as the subject of the line. (Photo from; obtained via Forbes)

WWE's biggest event of the summer just got bigger as they staged SummerSlam at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. Some remarked SummerSlam has become even more significant than this year's WrestleMania (yes, despite the latter being a two-day event).

08 April 2018

13 September 2017

Almost Breaking the Fourth Wall

09/03/2017 04:35:46 PM

The past two weeks ago saw these two fought fire with fire, garnering a lot of buzz during the airing of Monday Night RAW.

And frankly they are still doing it on a lesser time exposure and a quality that dwindled a bit.

20 August 2017

The Pre-take: WWE SummerSlam 2017 (Part 2)

08/20/17 09:55:25 PM

Photo credit: WhatCultureWrestling
We may have been hours away from witnessing the second's biggest WWE pay-per-view event, the one they called “the biggest party of the summer,” and coinciding with an all-heavy music fetsival in the Philippines.

The 31st edition of SummerSlam is poised to take off on Sunday evening at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York (Monday morning Philippine time), their third-straight tiume in staging the event at the said venue.  And for over the decade, SummerSlam were only situated in two venues: Barclays Center and Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.

11 April 2017

The Rundown Slam: WrestleMania 33 (Part 3)

04/09/2017 09:58:11 PM

P.S. I just like the way the frame and Kurt's gesture compliment perfectly.
Just when you thought that we have seen nostalgia enough from the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2017, we are wrong. This blockbuster three-way match for the tag-team ladder match turned out into another Fatal 4-way.

03 April 2017

The Pre-Take: WWE WrestleMania 33

04/02/17 11:03:57 PM

John Cena and Nikki Bella versus The Miz and Maryse might be one of the best things that will take olace at WrestleMania. At least that saved me from having some pre-event's disdains as a wrestling fan. 

While things were quite obvious to be pointing in that direction even during his days of being the 16th time World Champion, it seems that Cena and his real-life girlfriend were planned to engage in an altercation with Mike Mizanin and his wife. Both sports-entertainers (we mean wrestlers) and entertainers at their very own respective rights.

02 March 2017

Two Smackin' Raw Talks

03/02/2017 08:09:54 AM

Just when we thought disappointments will be ruling the road to WrestleMania, wrestling fans have seen at least few sets of turmoils on the works. And two of them are about to reach their boiling point.

30 August 2016

The Rundown Slam: WWE SummerSlam 2016 (Part 3)

08/29/2016 04:06:09 PM

I think the SummerSlam main event came too early when John Cena wrestled AJ Styles. Just too bad if you're a fan of the former, the SS losing skid continues for the Cenation leader. And I think he had done a great job of raising Styles' stock much further. 

21 August 2016

The Pre-take: WWE SummerSlam 2016 (Part 1)

08/21/2016 10:34:54 PM

SummerSlam banner (Photo credit: WWE)

Looks like the World Wrestling Entertainment has been really serious in building SummerSlam as its second biggest show of the year, eh? Look at this: 13 matches in all, with ten of them happening at the four-hour main broadcast. Three main event matches: one that has been hyped despite controversies, and two title matches representing RAW and SmackDown brands.

Hey, it's even bigger than WrestleMania 32. And expect the live venue crowd's not large in numbers since it will be slated at the Barclays Center though we hope they will roll on a different stage design unlike the so-totally-generic ones they had for the past two years.

02 August 2016

The Rundown Slam: WWE Battleground 2016

08/01/16 11:24:38 PM

Before we know it, the WWE already unveiled their new era as SummerSlam approach. And that being said, the last PPV to be staged in the then-typical way was WWE Battleground. Still, no WWE stories came to an end without a bang on it; and by means, we have seen factions getting split (thanks to the WWE Draft happened five days before), and rivalries conclusion – and that includes the brotherhood's championship chase.

It was a night where The Wyatt Family and The Club were torn apart, where a destined to “fight forever” between Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn should come into a halt, and where the former members of The SHIELD battled each other for who's the greatest member with that WWE Championship worn on his shoulder. It was also a night of decision on which McMahon will emerged at the top of the game.

And moreover, which brand will control the most prestigious title in the world of sports entertainment? Will it be RAW or SmackDown?

These questions were answered at the unveiling of the WWE Batlleground happened eight days ago at the Verizon Center in Washington DC.

25 July 2016

The Pre-take: WWE Battleground 2016

07/24/2016 08:54:12 PM

Photo credit:

The WWE has been on the verge of taking things into even greater heights as the brand extension have taken place, with superstars getting split into teams of RAW and SmackDown, and the latter show moving into Tuesdays and will be airing LIVE.

11 April 2016

The Rundown Slam: WrestleMania 32 (Part 3)

4/5/2016 3:23:53 AM

Fearsome Price

Shane, what do you think you're up to...? (Photo credits: Stephen Amell411Mania)
Perhaps if there’s any other best brawl for Mania, it’s this Hell in a Cell match. And frankly enough they have redeemed themselves from having a poor, illogical booking here. It was nothing but a fantastic match so to speak.

26 July 2015

The Rundown Slam: WWE Battleground 2015

7/26/2015 4:37:01 PM

WWE Battlegound Poster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well, things are about to take a swerve as SummerSlam approaches. But before we head to a season switch, we got a warfare called Battleground, where some of the feuds had some sort of very long-but-almost forgettable beginnings.

25 June 2015

The Rundown Slam: WWE Money In The Bank 2015

06/25/2015 07:00:27 PM

Photo credit:
Talk about a late “cash in” here. It's been a week and a half since the World Wrestling Entertainment conducted their edition of the pay-per-view called Money in the Bank—an evening which offers an instant potential title shot called Money in the Bank ladder match.

08 June 2015

Champion vs. Champion (John Cena vs. Kevin Owens)

6/7/2015 11:30:29 AM

There’s nothing I can say here but… wow.

If you noticed since the time I followed professional wrestling, there is one pay-per-view I haven’t done a full review: and that is Elimination Chamber.

25 May 2015

Just My Opinion: WWE Payback 2015

5/25/2015 11:16:01 PM

Photo credits:

The Shield reuniting, some sets of rubber matches, and perhaps an impressive video package—all that despite WWE’s production design has been sucking at hell.

Yes, it was all about Justice, Retribution, and PAYBACK.

16 May 2015

Just My Opinion: WWE Extreme Rules 2015

05/15/2015 12:03:18 PM

Since WWE Payback is just around the corner, and I managed to watch a WWE pay-per-view event three weeks ago. Oh, looks like I haven't made my review yet on this edition's “shades of ECW” titled WWE Extreme Rules.

26 April 2015

The Pretake: WWE Extreme Rules 2015

04/26/2015 03:55:48 PM

Photo credit: ISPORTSWEB.COM
It's about time the World Wrestling Entertainment went over their typical limits once again, as they set their edition of Extreme Rules tomorrow morning (Sunday night at Chicago).

06 April 2015

The Rundown Slam: WrestleMania 31

4/4/2015 12:19:04 PM

Screengrab from YouTube

Like a holiday jingle, “it’s that wonderful time of the year” again, as the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) staged their annual entertainment spectacular event once again. And by the way, it comes with a play button.

WrestleMania 31 was a heck of a show at the Silicon Valley. Forget that it aired on a Sunday afternoon—with a sun-shinyyy day atmosphere. It may appeared scorching hot as shit right there, but you can never deny the event was hotter as it gets.

As much as I want to tackle the pre-show which featured 2 matches, I hadn’t watched them so I beg your pardon in advance and instead move on to the main program.