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Showing posts with label Paranoid City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranoid City. Show all posts

12 February 2020

69 Filipino songs that rocked my life in 2010s (Part 6)

01/30/2020 08:42:56 PM

It's a shame that it took me two months to finish this personal project. I initially had this in mind since late November and worked on the draft by mid-December. Anyway, here it goes... 

Ten years ago, I tried coming up with a list of my favorite songs of the decade here in this blog. Unfortunately, I ended up shelving it as I got more busy with college studies and post-disaster recovery. 

Fast-forward to present, I became a wanderer in the locality's live music scene – a  far cry from the early years where I dig more of mainstream and foreign stuff.  Though I'm not hating at all, because exciting times took place during the 2010s, with KPop sweeping the world. Of course, the Westerners are still there, and each country making their music heard further across the globe thru Spotify.

Meanwhile, several artists from the synth-pop and hip-hop managed to get across the board – not only in the locality but also in my own preferred jukebox. Here's the fifth part of my nicest-choice songs of the decade.

06 January 2019

The Scene Around: It's Time! The Paranoid City Farewell Gig

01/05/2019 09:30:14 PM

It was the final Saturday of 2018, and we have seen a lot of breakups and demises for the said year. Hell, we even noticed bands like Rob and The Hitmen, Run Dorothy, and Kamara retire from making music – be it permanently or just temporary.

27 December 2018

Upcoming: It's Time! The Paranoid City Farewell Gig!

12/27/2018 01:47:52 AM

After a long run that spanned for almost a full decade, Paranoid City is taking its final curtain this Saturday... or wait, is it really the finale of them all?

23 June 2018

Upcoming: OPPAg-alis, OPPAg-balik. Kim Hue Jin's send off gig

06/13/2018 01:21:17 PM

Goodbyes are always – and will always be – the hardest bittersweet moments anyone will experience. Or sometimes, even just the bit-assuring “I'll be back soon” counts there, too. And even beyond the usual family-friends-partner relationships circles, affiliations such as 'band members' arent spared from such gesture.

01 January 2018

'17 Nights To Remember (Part 1)

01/01/2018 07:17:12 PM 

Regardless of how fiery it has been on all cylinders, it's undeniable that the year 2017 has been a wonderful year. Right in the midst of the mid-2010s band explosion, we have seen it brought a lot of good shits in our Philippine world of music (and we mean quality here, by the way). 

Yours truly have made it to a number of gigs curated by various production outfits (in fact, more than I attended for the past two years). These also include some of the biggest concerts and music festivals that has solely focused on out homegrown talents. That said, here are 17 nights that really left a mark in '17... well, at least for me.

11 July 2017

The Scene Around: Carousel Casualties Madison EP Launch

06/08/2017 06:06:05 PM

It was a madness in unison last 19 May 2017 as the indie rock band Carousel Casualties launched their 6-track album titled Madison at saGuijo in Makati City.

07 July 2017

The FĂŞte de la Musique 2017 Experience

06/28/2017 03:32:42 PM

Two years ago, I attended my first ever World Music Day – commonly known as its French originator FĂŞte de la Musique. And it was an astonishing memory as I too part of the indie stage as part of the organizing groups wherein almost 20 bands performed in front of more than 1,000 attendants inside the 12 Monkeys Music Hall and Pub at Century City Mall, Makati City. 

But it was in 2017 when I went back to this worldwide phenomenon again – this time, as a fan who roamed around various places in Makati City only to hear a whole lot of variety.

17 May 2017

PlayBack: Paranoid City – Metropolitan (album)

05/14/2017 06:44:23 PM

It's probably a challenge for a band, especially if you aren't the typical guitar-drum-bass setup, to make music. And moreover, to spend two years in making new music and six to finally produce it on canned recording, much to clamor of everyone who's a been part of their following regardless of the varying level of closeness.

09 May 2017

The Scene Around: Never Me

05/06/2017 11:01:14 PM

Move Forward Productions staged a post-Valentines party that highlighted a comeback of one of the bands which could be the the resemblances or equivalent of the term 'emo' in the past. And we don't really mean black and punk-ish, by the way.

01 May 2017

The Scene Around: Paranoid City "Metropolitan" Album Launch

05/01/2017 10:11:40 PM

Probably six years is a very long wait for any music personality or group to release a record comprised of a number of his/her works, especially original songs. And somehow, it was worth the long, grueling, test of time for eleven times out of ten.

This past Friday, though, was no exemption, as Paranoid City finally welcomed everyone to the place they'd like to be known as “Your METROPOLITAN SynthPop Destination.” Yes, after 2011's Viewfinder Dreams, the band just launched their sophomore album titled Metropolitan at SaGuijo, Makati City.

24 April 2017

Upcoming: Paranoid City "Metropolitan" Album Launch

04/24/2017 11:04:27 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, you are now arriving at your metropolitan synth pop destination.

On Air: Mad Cat Midnight with Paranoid City

04/14/2017 09:15:13 PM

Synth pop band Paranoid City guested in Jam 88.3's Mad Cat Midnight last March 23, and when you thought of these titos for being a boring kind compared to those wild metal-heads and young broods, think again: they can entertain like your typical bandista idols.

09 April 2017

The Scene Around: General Miss A's Birthday Gig

04/09/2017 02:05:24 PM

In a night where all the nightout spots were seemingly packed to the doors with artists that promises to bring awesome music and entertain people in the process, rare are the gigs wherein a good-sized lineup fares well with them with the aid of intimacy atmosphere.

11 January 2017

The Scene Around: All I Want For Christmas is RYU

01/08/2017 09:13:20 PM

Seems two years were quite long enough for Japo Anareta and his production outfit to make a comeback. And true enough, his Red Rocket Productions managed to get back even for a while only as they set a yearend gig like it's literally your typical clan/barkada reunion.

22 December 2016

The Scene Around: An Honest Mistake at ZILI

12/21/2016 02:39:50 PM 

As part of their recent visit in the country (their ninth, in fact!), Malaysian pop punk and rock band An Honest Mistake staged an intimate outing on a Sunday night in the Easternmost part – and a bit away from the nation's capitol Manila. And it's far different from what they had in their recent biggest gig Threadfest.

03 December 2016

The Scene Around: Who Is Wasted Wendy?

10/24/2016 06:29:49 PM

One question: Who is Wasted Wendy? That question was answered on Thursday, 20 October 2016, at SaGuijo Bar in Makati City as We Are The Underdogs Productions staged their seventh installment of the WAT UP Mix series.

09 November 2016

The Scene Around: Eurythmic

10/11/2016 06:07:36 PM

Docdef Productions staged their monthly gig at Route 196 in Quezon City; and it promised to be a heck of a Friday night to, at least, remember this September. This time, it was called Eurythmic.

01 October 2016

The Scene Around: Sagana

09/20/2016 11:16:30 AM

After being postponed twice in over the span of almost two months, the biggest gathering of OPM artists finally took place – though in a different venue, and it all happened on a (thank goodness) calmed weather of that Saturday afternoon.

OPM High Sagana took place last Saturday, 11 September 2016, at the Estancia mall in Capitol Commons, Pasig City.

17 September 2016

Mano-a-Mano With Paranoid City: Part 3 - Seoul-Searching

09/15/2016 12:46:04 AM

From the previous experiences, we go to the a bit of the future, their upcoming Seoul-searching. They are scheduled to play at the all-indie Zandari Festa this coming October 1 as part of their 3-gig sojourn.