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Showing posts with label cyberattack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cyberattack. Show all posts

13 March 2025

Newsletter: PROTECT 2025: Doing Business Amidst New Threats


On March 14, 2025, the PROTECT International Conference Series on "Doing Business Amidst New Threats" will take place at the New World Makati Hotel.

The international community is facing an evolving different threat to global peace and security. While the global security risk and threat in 2024 may be described as “unprecedented", 2025 may be described as “unconventional”. We see this in geopolitical tensions, gray zone warfare actions, AI arms race, rising insider threats, fragmented extremism and other developments. PROTECT 2025 conference on Doing Business Amidst New Threats will deep dive into these security challenges.

03 March 2025

Newsletter: Operation SalmonSlalom: Kaspersky discovered a new attack targeting industrial organizations in APAC


Kaspersky ICS CERT discovered a campaign targeting industrial organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. The attackers used legitimate cloud services to manage malware and employed a complicated multi-stage malware delivery scheme using legitimate software to avoid detection. As a result, they could spread malware over victim organizations’ networks, install remote administration tools, manipulate devices, steal and delete confidential information. 

07 February 2025

Newsletter: Kaspersky Threat Lookup now enables AI-enhanced open-source intelligence search


Kaspersky Threat Lookup now provides customers with summaries and article abstracts related to analyzed objects in the OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) tab, saving them time when searching for IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) or researching cybersecurity reports.

28 September 2024

Newsletter: Dangerous Loki backdoor discovered: Kaspersky experts identify agent in Russian company cyberattacks


A previously unknown version of the Loki backdoor that has been used in a series of targeted attacks against at least 12 Russian companies has been identified by Kaspersky experts. The incursions occurred across various industries, including engineering and healthcare. The malware, which Kaspersky detects as Backdoor.Win64.MLoki, is a private agent version of the open-source post-exploitation framework Mythic.

24 March 2024

Newsletter: SEA 2023: Cybercriminals clog business networks with financial phishing


In 2023, Kaspersky anti-phishing technologies detected nearly 500,000 attempts to follow a phishing link on businesses’ devices in Southeast Asia (SEA). Interestingly, this number only refers to phishing links related to finance matters – e-commerce, banking, and payment systems.

01 June 2023

Newsletter: Selling your verified digital wallet? Think again


The recent spate of selling and even rental of verified digital wallets in the country should not be taken lightly. It is, in fact, alarming because its owners or account holders risk losing their identities with far-reaching consequences, according to cybersecurity and digital privacy company Kaspersky. 

20 January 2023

Newsletter: The Last of Scams: cybercriminals empty fans’ wallets ahead of new series release


"The Last of Us", one of the most anticipated series based on the PlayStation game of the same name, is finally coming out on HBO channel on 15th January 2023. Knowing that after the series release the “The Last of Us” universe will have hundreds of thousands of new fans, cybercriminals are already plotting new schemes. Specifically, fraudsters are already spreading scams on the PlayStation game, which is extremely rare. What’s more, to infect victims with malware, they are offering downloads of "The Last of Us" game for PC, but in fact, this file has not even been released yet.

01 September 2022

Newsletter: Kaspersky unmasks active malicious campaigns targeting Android and iOS users in APAC


Global cybersecurity company shares how to secure smartphones from “Anubis” mobile Trojan and the infamous “Roaming Mantis” campaign

Suguru Ishimaru, Senior Malware Researcher for Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) at Kaspersky

01 September 2022

With the continued uptick in the adoption of mobile banking in Asia Pacific (APAC), global cybersecurity company Kaspersky warns of more attacks against Android and iOS devices. Particularly, active monitoring shows the notorious Anubis Trojan now delivers a combination of mobile banking Trojan with ransomware functionalities to its target smartphones.

18 December 2021

Kaspersky shares safe, scam-free tips for online shoppers this Christmas season

12/12/2021 01:20:42 PM

Even with the hardest times that we are generally facing today, Christmas is still the ultimate holiday even for Filipinos. It's a season that can never be cancelled as this was the period when feasting and  gifting are staples became prevalent which means one known activity known as shopping has been on the rise as usual.

10 December 2021

11 November 2021

Do you have a Digital Ghost? Kaspersky exposes its potential harms

11/09/2021 05:35:41 PM

If you have been using the Internet to do any transaction of sorts, chances are you are considered to be an active digital ghost. How is that possible?

04 November 2021

Kaspersky expert says 2019 witnessed the start of banking Trojan outbreak in APAC

10/23/2021 5:03:00PM

Kaspersky has discovered that a banking-related Trojan outbreak has almost coincided with the start of the on-going novel Coronavirus pandemic, a sudden health plague that totally-changed the landscape of the world today. 

31 August 2021

Kaspersky warns companies over discarded data

08/28/2021 12:55:45 PM

As cliché as it sounds, data is still the kind, even for cybercriminals. One of the considered crudest approaches by these attackers is diving into corporate trash for any valuable data.

04 July 2021

Newsletter: Almost 9M cryptominers prevented in SEA SMBs in 2020, more than phishing, ransomware combined

07/02/2021 07:46:05 AM

Author's Note: Kaspersky has blocked nine million cases of crypto mining last year. It is more than three times compared to phishing attempts, while over 800 thousand attempts of ransomware. 

More about this report from the global cybersecurity company can be seen in the press release below.

19 June 2021

Kaspersky shares tips on how to combat doxing thru a guide

06/06/2021 10:11:56 AM

Kaspersky has recently shared its guide in sparing themselves from doxing, or an act of gathering private information for the sole purpose of either publishing them or creating harm with them.

04 June 2021

Kaspersky explains ransomware ecosystem, on its operators and where to find them

05/22/2021 12:03:42 PM

Ransomware has been one of the notable names every time businesses cyber threats they are likely to face in 2021. This type of cyberattack has been getting mainstream news exposure after attackers built their brands and are bold in their advances like never before. By placing themselves under the spotlight, however, these groups hide the actual complexity of the ransomware ecosystem.

In their latest report, Kaspersky researchers dug into darknet forums, took a deep look at REvil and Babuk gangs and beyond, and debunked some of the myths about ransomware as it aims to help organizations understand how the ransomware ecosystem operates and how to combat them. And when you dig into this underworld, you have to expect that it has many faces.

Kaspersky describes how this process below: 

13 May 2021

Kaspersky unmasks spam phishing emails disguised as vaccination appointment forms

05/09/2021 08:54:01 PM

While the world has been waiting so bad for vaccines to come, warnings have been issued by global cybersecurity brands like Kasperksy in regards to that because scammers are constantly searching for new ways to steal users’ data. 

03 April 2021

Kaspersky warns of COVID-19 vaccines available for sale on the Darkweb

03/14/2021 10:47:33 AM

As the world undergoes the recent largest and complex vaccination campaign, it wasn't really that surprising when scammers and sellers on the dark market are also joining the trend and make a profit off the process.